Exclusive trailer: Benicio Del Toro's killer returns in 'Sicario: Day of the Soldado'

Turns out the Sicario assassin Alejandro has a heart, even if it's still consumed by vengeance.

Isabela Moner joins Benicio Del Toro in "Sicario: Day of the Soldado," the sequel to 2015's "Sicario."

Benicio Del Toro's mysterious and memorable killer from the critically acclaimed 2015 thriller Sicario resumes his personal vendetta against the Mexican drug lords who killed his family with the release of Sicario: Day of the Soldado (in theaters June 29).

A trailer for the sequel is revealed exclusively at

"This is a man bent on revenge for what the cartels have done, killing his daughter and family," says Del Toro. "Now he finds himself on a new assignment."

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Alejandro is hired again by CIA operative Matt Graver (Josh Brolin) to start a war between dueling cartels by kidnapping Isabela Reyes (Isabela Moner), the teenage daughter of infamous kingpin Carlos Reyes.

When the mission is exposed, and Graver orders Alejandro to terminate Isabela, the killer's cold façade cracks.

"He has the chance for an eye for an eye, but sees a young girl going through what his daughter went through," says Del Toro. "He has to decide to follow orders or protect the girl. It's just one thing about this screenplay that makes it interesting."

Another is Moner, 16, unrecognizable from her plucky breakout role in last year's Transformers: The Last Knight.

Director Stefano Sollima told Moner she had earned the role after nailing her auditions, if she agreed to cut her long hair to highlight Isabela's attempts to disguise herself. 

"It was like, I'm down. I jumped at it. But that was a huge transformation for me," says Moner, who is Peruvian-American. "Being a Latina, our hair is very important to us."

But she admired the handiwork afterward. "It was like, 'Wow, I cannot even recognize myself.' I had never felt that before."

Adopting the accent was the easier part of the assignment.

"Most of my 52 cousins and who-knows-how-many aunts have a thick accent I can mimic any time," says Moner. "To change the Peruvian accent to a Mexican accent required some poaching. There’s a difference in the flow and cadence."

Benicio Del Toro's killer has tough decisions to make in "Sicario: Day of the Soldado."

Shooting Oscar-nominated screenwriter Taylor Sheridan's script in New Mexico and Mexico City was intense for Moner and the cast. In the downtime, Del Toro would lighten the mood with jokes, stories and acting advice for Moner.

But when cameras rolled, he'd return to his imperceptible Alejandro. "I cannot even imagine what’s going through his head," says Moner.

She, too, went heavy to reflect Isabela's dire situation.

"I'm a very happy person, but we all got our dark places to go to," says Moner. "I had to take a breath and channel that."

Watching Day of the Soldado for the first time was especially difficult for Moner's mother, seeing her daughter in peril.

"She was so worried for me, even if it was fictional," says Moner. "Afterward, she said she wanted to buy me a dog, because she thought I needed to be happier."