What you can do if you're vaccinated

Holly Baltz
Palm Beach Post
A syringe is filled with Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine during a vaccination event.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued these guidelines for people who are fully inoculated. 

Are you fully vaccinated? 

You are if you are two weeks past the second dose of Pfizer or Moderna vaccines or two weeks past the single Johnson & Johnson shot. In the first weeks after infection, antibodies are still building up in your immune system. (The second dose of Pfizer is three weeks after the first; for Moderna, it's four weeks.)

Can you shed the masks? 

You should not stop wearing masks or social distancing when you’re in public. There is growing evidence that inoculated people don’t spread COVID-19 but scientists aren’t sure how long the vaccine protection lasts. 

What can inoculated people do? 

  • Be indoors with other vaccinated people without masks or social distancing.  
  • Be indoors with unvaccinated family members without masks or distancing. 
  • Skip quarantine and testing if exposed to someone with COVID who has no symptoms. 

When to take precautions:

  • Don a mask and keep your distance from unvaccinated people who are at increased risk for severe complications of COVID or unvaccinated people who have a household member at high risk .
  • Keep precautions when visiting unvaccinated people who are from multiple households.

Continue to:

  • Don a well-fitting mask and socially distance
  • Avoid medium or large gatherings
  • Avoid poorly ventilated public spaces
  • Wash hands frequently
  • Get tested if you feel sick.
  • Take precautions at the gym, restaurants and other social activities where transmission risk is higher.