Another review of police-involved killing of man in wheelchair ends with same result: no charges

Esteban Parra Jeff Neiburg
Delaware News Journal

A review of a 5-year-old deadly police-involved shooting of a man in a wheelchair has resulted in the Delaware Attorney General's Office coming to the same conclusion: the former Wilmington officers who shot Jeremy McDole will not be charged.

The conclusion was reached by the Department of Justice's Division of Civil Rights & Public Trust and was issued in a 9-page "supplement report" released Tuesday – a day shy of the five year anniversary of when Jeremy McDole was shot by four Wilmington officers at Tulip and South Scott streets.

In this image taken from a cell phone video, police approach Jeremy McDole in the 1800 block of Tulip Street in Wilmington in 2015.

This anniversary also marks when the statute of limitations runs out, meaning charges cannot be brought against the former Wilmington officers who shot McDole. 

"The findings detailed in this report are thorough and unambiguous and I thank DCRPT for their diligence," Delaware Attorney General Kathy Jennings said in a statement. "Charging decisions under the laws at the time have not changed. Neither has our resolve for reform. We cannot undo the tragedies of the past, but we can work to prevent them from reoccurring."

Delaware Attorney General Kathleen Jennings gives recommendations on criminal justice reform at a press conference Monday.

Jennings went on to say she will continue to advocate for the establishment of a Statewide Civilian Review Board with subpoena power, mandatory statewide participation in a Do Not Hire Database and the codification of an objective use of force standard.

Terence Jones, whose nonprofit, Total Justice, has been vocal in recent demands that the case be reopened, could not be reached for comment on Tuesday. 

Keandra McDole, Jeremy's sister, said Wednesday during the 4th and final Jeremy McDole Day on the 100 block of N. Rodney St. that she was "disappointed" by the contents of Tuesday's report. 

She said she "had faith" in Jennings to at least bring assault charges against former Wilmington Police Senior Cpl. Joseph Dellose, who fired at Jeremy McDole with a shotgun during the 2015 incident.

With the statute of limitations gone, Keandra McDole said the Justice for Jeremy McDole movement will now focus on changing a decades-old law that allows police officers to use deadly force if they believe "such force is immediately necessary" for protection.

"I want my hands in changing this law," she said. "It’s personal."

Emboldened by a nationwide movement against police brutality, multiple protests have called for the reopening of the Sept. 23, 2015, incident in which Wilmington officers fatally shot McDole.

Scenes from the March for Jeremy McDole hosted by Black Mothers in Power Tuesday, June 23, 2020, in downtown Wilmington. 28-year-old Jeremy "Bam" McDole was shot and killed by police in September 2015 while sitting in his wheelchair on the city's west side. No officers were charged in his death, but the city agreed to pay his family a $1.5 million settlement.

Background: Police shoot armed man in Wilmington

In a meeting with Jennings earlier this year, Jones and the McDole family wanted the case reopened because of new evidence Jones said he had found. The Justice Department said they had already interviewed one of the witnesses on multiple occasions, while the other witness was never identified by Jones. 

Keandra McDole, according to the supplement report, provided the name of the new witness. 

Terence Jones, a former Philadelphia police officer-turned-civil rights investigator, speaks with Keandra McDole before her meeting with Delaware Attorney General Kathleen Jennings.

After interviewing the new witness, the Justice Department said it reviewed surveillance footage of where the witness allegedly was.

"But the witness is not observed in the recording," according to the supplement report.

The report also delved on other allegations made to question the legitimacy of the case, including Carl Rone's involvement in the initial investigation. Rone was the former chief ballistics expert for Delaware State Police who reviewed the case. Has was found guilty in 2018 on charges he falsified records.

At least one criminal sentence has been vacated as a result of Rone falsifying work records – that would be Alan Fowler's 50-year prison sentence for attempted murder and two counts of reckless endangerment.

Fabrications:Delaware gun expert's criminal charges help upend 50-year prison sentence for Elkton man

Carl Rone, a civilian employee of the Delaware State Police, has been charged with theft under false pretense and falsifying business records

While Rone's ballistics report did not weigh on whether the police acted criminally in McDole's shooting, the report said the ballistics evidence was re-examined by a qualified and widely recognized expert from New Jersey, Stephen Deady. 

"Fortunately, the evidence Rone examined – ballistic evidence – is not fungible," according to the report. "In other words, unlike some forms of evidence in a criminal case which lack distinctive or unique characteristics, ballistic evidence bears permanent markings."

In a report issued last month, Deady examined and test-fired the recovered firearm, a .38 Armscor revolver.

"Stephen Deady further concluded that the revolver in McDole's possession fired four times and that the four cartridge cases, the 'spent' rounds within the revolver, were in fact discharged – fired – by the same .38 revolver in evidence," the new report said. "This is consistent with the statements from the civilian witnesses that McDole fired a gun multiple times. This is also consistent with the scientific findings of the gunshot residue analysis – that McDole had significant GSR particles on his hand and on his sleeve."

The new report also worked to put to bed allegations that the gun officers said they found in McDole's boxers had been planted by Wilmington Police. Keandra McDole said Wednesday that she still contends that her brother did not have a weapon on him during his interaction with police that day. 

Planted gun alleged:Recently released photos raise old questions in police-involved killing of Jeremy McDole

According to the new report, DNA testing of McDole's blood was compared to swabs from the grip, trigger and the revolver's bullets. The DNA analysis was completed by Bode Cellmark Forensics in Lorton, Virginia.

This is an image of the gun the Delaware Department of Justice said was found after Jeremy McDole was shot by Wilmington police in 2015. The photograph, released on Tuesday, was not included in the original report it issued in 2016. The Justice Department said it was releasing the photos "in the interest of transparency."

"The DNA profile obtained from the grip matches Jeremy McDole," according to the report. "The probability of randomly selecting an unrelated individual with this DNA profile is 1 in 550 quintillion in the U.S. African American population. This is consistent with Jeremy McDole having the gun in his possession. The DNA report is now made a part of our public materials."

When asked what assurances the Justice Department can provide to the public that has called previous investigations "cover-ups," a department spokesman said: "I believe those concerns are addressed in the report."

Tuesday's report confirms the department's May 12, 2016, use of deadly force report that cleared the four Wilmington officers of criminal wrongdoing. 

While the 2016 report did not result in charges for any of the officers, the 32-page report was highly critical of Dellose, saying he showed "extraordinarily poor police work" during the incident.

Dellose fired at McDole with a shotgun about two seconds after ordering him to put his hands up, the report found, creating uncertainty among other officers – Senior Cpl. Thomas Silva, Cpl. Thomas Lynch and Cpl. James MacColl – who, not knowing where the gunfire came from, then all turned their weapons on McDole.

Background: McDole shooting: Wilmington police won't be charged

The report concluded that Dellose should not be employed by city police in any role where he would carry a firearm in public.

Dellose parted ways with Wilmington police in April 2018, but the department has not provided a reason for his departure. The other three officers are also no longer on the force. 

In this image taken from a cell phone video and released by the Delaware Attorney General's Office, Jeremy McDole is shown as police approach him on Tulip Street in Wilmington on Sept. 23. He was shot and killed by police. The findings of an investigation into the incident were released Thursday.

In the months after the fatal shooting, the McDole family sued the city of Wilmington and its Police Department and received a $1.5 million settlement in 2017.

Keandra McDole said Wednesday that she's now focused on finding a new Attorney General candidate for 2022, and dealing with the use-of-force laws.

"My brother is dead. There’s no bringing him back," she said. "My job, and my family’s job, is to fight like hell and make sure this doesn’t happen to another person. If we don’t change this law, there will be anotherJeremy McDole."

Kids do arts and crafts during a party in remembrance for Jeremy McDole Wednesday, Sept. 23, 2020, in Wilmington. Jeremy McDole was shot and killed by Wilmington Police in 2015.

Wednesday afternoon, a few dozen people gathered on N. Rodney St. for food and drinks. There were children playing on the sidewalk and tables set up with free toys and arts & crafts. A memorial for McDole hung between two row homes with pictures of the man through the years. Keandra said they planned release balloons later Wednesday night after the sun set, both to honor her brother and pay respect to those lost to violence in the city.

Jeremy McDole Day is "so we can remember the good times about my brother," Keandra said. "The kids out here playing around, they laugh and bring our spirits to a different place instead of us just crying and moping around.

"My brother loved kids. It would be crazy – he’d probably smack me upside my head in the grave if I didn’t do something for the kids.”

Contact Esteban Parra at (302) 324-2299, or Twitter @eparra3. Contact Jeff Neiburg at