Got questions about the first day of school? We've got answers.

Pamela McCabe
Fort Myers News-Press

Editor's note: This story will be updated as new information is announced.

The plan to reopen schools in Lee County is built on choice for families, flexibility in learning and the understanding that anything can change. 

Here are some commonly asked questions from our readers about what the plan entails. If you have more, send an email to Pamela McCabe at

When is the first day of school?

Aug. 31 is the new start date for Lee County schools. 

School board members unanimously approved the three-week delay during a special meeting Thursday, July 23.

Teachers will report back to work on Aug. 18, extending to a nine-day period what typically is a week at work for teachers before school starts.

Pushing back the start date required tweaks to other parts of the 2020-21 school year. Here are other key dates:

  • The last day of school is June 17, with teachers’ last day June 18.
  • Three-day weekends are planned around the following holidays: Labor Day (Sept. 7), Yom Kippur (Sept. 28), Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day (Jan. 18), Presidents Day (Feb. 15) and Memorial Day (May 31).
  • One four-day weekend is planned around Easter, with the days off including April 2 and April 5.
  • Thanksgiving break will be Nov. 23-27.
  • Winter break will be Dec. 21-Jan. 1, 2021. School will resume Jan. 5 should there be no need to use a hurricane day planned on Jan. 4.
  • Spring break: March 15-19
  • Early dismissal days: Oct. 30, Jan. 29, April 16 and June 15-17.
  • Hurricane makeup days are planned for Nov. 11 (Veterans Day) and Jan. 4, the day before school resumes after winter break.

More:Lee school board approves Aug. 31 as new start date

More:Lee superintendent proposes delay of school start to Aug. 24 or Aug. 31

Will I miss paychecks with the delay of school?


"We have every intention to adhere to the original pay schedules with no interruptions in pay dates or benefits,” said Ami Desamours, the chief finance officer for the district.

Even though the school year now ends in mid-June, the new work schedule will contain the same number of days each employee is guaranteed in their contract. Desamours said employees will be paid for all the days they work.

Kevin Daly, the president of the Teachers Association of Lee County, said the district has a “really good history of doing what’s right by their employees during crisis situations, like hurricanes.

“None of this is an employee’s fault. Hurricanes, COVID, none of it,” Daly said. “And there’s not a single employee I know, probably from the top down, that can go without a check, and then there’s all kinds of benefits problems. From the beginning before we ever started talking about it, I knew it would work itself out just because of the history of the district had with employees.”

Did you know?:Lee superintendent says start date for schools could change depending on COVID-19 numbers, decision by July 20

Will in-person learning happen?

Yes. The state announced July 6 in an emergency order that all public school systems must offer families the option to send their kids back to school for in-person instruction five days a week.

In Lee County this includes running buses, offering free breakfast and lunch to students and planning outdoor recess and P.E. activities for its 97 traditional, or non-charter, schools. Charters can choose to adopt the district's plan, tweak it or draw up their own plans.

Including the county's 23 charter sites, there are more than 95,600 students in the public school system.

Extra safety measures will be put in place for on-campus courses, including temperature checks for students upon arrival, the spacing out of desks, limiting large gatherings of people and requiring face masks, coverings or shields on campuses and buses.

The safety guidelines for back-to-school were drawn up by a community-led think tank, called the PK-12 Education Pandemic Response Task Force, which included experts from the medical community. This included representatives of the local Department of Health and Lee Health. 

Dr. Larry Antonucci, the president and CEO of Lee Health, spoke of this July 14 during a news conference, where he supported the plans to reopen Lee County schools.

“We are confident they will be able to do so safely," he said.

For a more thorough explanation of what this could look like on the first day of school, click here.

The final reopening plan, which is more than 60 pages long, is due to the state Department of Education by July 31.  The superintendent plans to ask the school board to sign off on the final plan prior to that point, but the document does not require a board vote.

Can school buildings handle social distancing?

School buildings are not built for isolation, but designed to educate children with social interaction.

That's why the district is taking steps "to make classrooms as large as possible," said Superintendent Greg Adkins during a Thursday afternoon press conference about the re-opening plan. 

Lee schools superintendent Dr. Gregory K. Adkins, along with school board members, held a joint media conference Thursday, July 9, 2020 to announce their school reopening plans.

This includes removing extra furniture, like filing cabinets, and extra equipment from classrooms so desks can be spaced out. Schools are being encouraged to re-think the use of larger indoor and outdoor spaces that could be used for classroom instruction.

Adkins said principals have also been given "some autonomy" to work with maintenance to plan out these flex spaces "because they are the most familiar with their particular buildings."

This is important for schools that, under normal operation, struggle with having enough space for students.

Lehigh Senior High School, for example, might have 2,600 students assigned to it, and the campus is strapped for space because it will play host to the freshman class of Gateway High School this fall.

"…what we're kind of hoping for is that we get a good balance between the number of students that choose a distance option, so they will be attending school virtually, versus those that are actually coming into the buildings," Adkins said. 

Still, the focus will be on educating students at all levels about hand-washing and hygiene, educating about social distancing and the proper use of face masks as well as ensuring that sick people stay home.

More:Lee County's Academic All-Stars strive for better tomorrow, brighter future

And:Lee schools may offer full in-person and virtual learning in the fall, 'require' face masks on buses

How will specials, like music, P.E. and art classes, work for in-person learning?

Although middle and high school students will still change classes, students in elementary school will have their "specials" teachers come to their classroom for instruction.

This includes non-core subject classes, such as art, music, P.E or STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). P.E. or gym classes, and recess will occur outside with social distancing.

The goal is to prevent unnecessary movement of children through the hallways and across campuses. A big part of the back-to-school plan is clustering groups of students together by grade level, which will prevent students having to cross campus for a class change.

It is common for schools to group together all teachers of similar subjects, like social studies or language arts/English educators, even though they teach different grade levels. This is particularly true of middle and high schools.

By keeping grade levels, or cohorts, together, there will be less cross-campus foot traffic.

These plans, as well as the planning of classroom space, will be up to each school's principal.

School-based administrators have been directed to remove excess furniture from classrooms to make more room for students and their desks. This will look different at every campus, especially since the district doesn’t know yet how every child will be attending school — in-person or remote. 

However, 6 feet of space may not be possible in classrooms and the space might look more like 3 feet. This will look different for students used to sitting at tables or in groups, and the district plan asks that students don't share supplies.

What cleaning procedures will occur in the schoolhouse?

Click here to read an article on the cleaning changes this school year.

A priority for the school district will be increasing the frequency, or times in a day, a school facility and its surfaces are cleaned. This includes ramping up the sanitation of regularly touched areas, be they door knobs or desks.

More:Back to school: Lee County's re-opening plans require more cleaning, outside air in classrooms

This is similar to when the district deploys its cleaning protocols for handling a typical flu season, but at a "much broader scale with much greater frequency," explained Ken Savage, the district's chief of operations.

Part of this requires custodial staff to work on staggered schedules.

"Rather than expecting teachers to take on that burden of cleaning, custodians will also be able to help with that and assist in that increased frequency," Savage said.

A bio-fogging cleaning agent will be used for deep cleaning and will be used when positive or presumptive positive cases of COVID-19 are identified within a building.

"This aerosol fog kills the virus within 20 seconds. It also coats surfaces such as walls, desks and all the areas that it touches," Savage said. "That is our best line of defense once we are trying to make a facility safe again after a positive COVID exposure has been identified."

The cost of this cleaning agent came up in a school board budget workshop July 16, where Ami Desamours, the chief financial officer for the district, said each use of the fogger could cost between $5,000 and $6,000.

“To my knowledge when we have gone in to do these particular cleanings, it’s been kind of a site-wide thing — an entire school — because you can’t really know exactly where a person has been within a particular location,” Desamours said.

However, a small-scale fogging, like of an isolated classroom, could cost a few hundred dollars.

The district is also preparing an anonymous tip line and email so employees can report safety violations without fear of being identified.

I'm worried about air flow. How are schools addressing this?

The district is tackling this issue in several ways, said Ken Savage, the chief of operations.

For starters, filters are being upgraded to ensure the “maximum” level of filtration of breathable air, as well as increasing the amount of fresh air being pushed into the ventilation system.

The current system uses both outside air and return air, with about 30 to 35% outdoor air, Savage said. The district is increasing this to 50% outside air in the fall.

Staff will also be monitoring carbon dioxide levels to ensure the levels are working.

I'm a teacher. Can I bring my own air purifier?


But the district and school will not pay for them. Instead, funds will be used to cover the high cost of masks, wipes and things like hand sanitizer for students, employees and schools.

What if I am not comfortable sending my child back to school, at least right now?

There are three other models proposed in the plan, including two virtual instruction options.

Lee Home Connect is a new virtual instruction model that pairs individual students who would prefer to study remotely with a teacher at their home school. This option could include International Baccalaureate, Cambridge AICE (Advanced International Certificate of Education) and career academy instruction.

The teachers would offer live, virtual instruction with a mix of Google Classroom and Google Meet.

The school day would match the hours kept in face-to-face instruction, including time for recess, specials and lunch, and Academic Chief Jeff Spiro said teachers could assign small group work and independent study, like reading, as part of this. 

This is different than the roll-out of distance learning in the spring, when children were spending a few hours a week on a Chromebook or district-issued laptop.

Under this model, students can transfer back to their home school when they feel comfortable doing so, ideally after a quarter, or nine-week period. There would be no caps put on enrollment into this model because it tethers students directly to instructors with their normally assigned home school.

At the elementary level, students would work with one teacher, while middle and high school students would switch classes like they do in face-to-face instruction. The goal is for 6- to 12-grade teachers to work with one type of student at a time — either all Lee Home Connect or all face-to-face — but a specialized course, like high school psychology, that is only offered once a day may mean teachers will have to juggle in-person and virtual students at the same time.

Teachers would "preferably" work from the classroom at school in this model, but the district will work through this on a case-by-case basis with teachers, who may be in a high-risk category, explained Angela Pruitt, the chief of human resources.

Lee Virtual School is another popular route because it is a fully online-based K-12 school run by the school district. The classes are work-at-your-own pace. 

In additional to traditional courses, students can sign up for Advanced Placement and dual enrollment courses through this model.

Students will have a seat saved in their home school so they can transfer back at the end of a full semester. 

Neither virtual options are set up to work with pre-K children. Voluntary Pre-K, or VPK offerings, are mandated by the state to be taught in person.

Finally, parents can elect to teach their kids through the homeschool model. Details on this can be found through the school system's website at

What happens if the district has to shut down face-to-face learning again?

While homeschool and Lee Virtual options will continue, all face-to-face instruction will transition to the Lee Home Connect model. 

This is a big decision. When do I need to choose?

This had to be done by July 30.

The district launched a survey on the evening of July 15 asking families to pick a model of instruction for their child. 

According to the school district,77,012 students completed the form with most, at a rate of 58%, choosing some form of virtual instruction. About 39% chose the Lee Home Connect model, while 19% chose Lee Virtual School. 

About 41% went with face-to-face learning in schoolhouses, while 1% chose homeschool instruction.

The district had about 8,000 students that did not participate, defaulting them to in-person learning. 

Click here to read a story about how the face-to-face numbers look for each school based on this survey.

More:Back to school: Most Lee schools will be at half capacity, if not less, on the first day

School staff is contacting those families to confirm their selection for the new school year.

In the case someone wants to change their choice, the family will need to contact their school principal. 

More:Lee school board approves Aug. 31 as new start date

Is this much screen-time good for students?

If your family chooses to have students participate in the Lee Home Connect option, which tethers students to teachers at their home school, the focus will be on live, virtual instruction.

While this will be more intensive than the distance learning experienced in the springtime, students still won't be staring at a screen all day.

As teachers assign work, they will build in time for physical activity away from the computer, such as creating a project with their hands, reading on their own from a book or planning "brain breaks" in the day that will have students up and active.

"We saw in distance learning a lot of innovation from our teachers that really encouraged students to move away from the screen, do face time, but still be engaged with some type of learning activity," said Jeff Spiro, the chief of academics, in a July 15 Facebook Live Q-and-A on the back-to-school plans.

What about Chromebooks, school supplies and food services for Lee Home Connect students?

Grab & Go feeding sites, which were very popular when students shifted to distance learning in the spring, will be offered to students learning virtually. Details of those site locations and pickup windows haven't been announced yet.

The district also has enough Chromebooks, or district-assigned laptops, available for all its students at this time, so families with more than one child at home will be able to request them.

Even though students are learning from home, school supplies will still be needed, too.

Once the start date of school is announced on July 20, the district will share details about how students can go about picking up Chromebooks and more information about what the first day of school will look like. 

What is the achievement gap, and how is the school system working to get kids back on track with learning?

The term "achievement gap" refers to the differences in school performance among groups of students, such as those who come from different income levels or races.

This has been discussed a lot since COVID-19 pivoted in-person instruction to the home front, where students worked virtually or with packet-based assignments to finish the school year.

Coupled with summer learning loss — the regression of skills some students face during long breaks from school — experts agree the achievement gap has widened.

Figuring out how much students lost due to the disruption of schools is a district priority, said Jeff Spiro, the school system's chief academic officer during a Thursday afternoon press conference. 

"We're going to be able to analyze that once we get back to school and do some baseline testing to see where were our students before they left for distance learning and where are they now upon return and so we can see really where those gaps occur," Spiro said. 

In an attempt to "mitigate that loss," Spiro said students were allowed to keep their Chromebooks over the summer to continue learning, which could help with credit retrieval or simply keep them engaged with learning.

In a normal year, summer school attracts around 1,000 students countywide, but this summer's virtual option reached about 15,000 students, said Rob Spicker, a district spokesman.

Now students who have been identified as needing some extra, in-person help have been invited to attend school for a 12-day program.

Spicker said this in-person intensive is offered at seven elementary schools around the county and has been earmarked for about 140 students who might have been struggling to keep up during the springtime shift to distance learning or who have social-emotional needs.

The schools to participate include:

  • San Carlos Park Elementary School
  • Gulf Elementary School
  • Patriot Elementary School
  • Lehigh Elementary School
  • Sunshine Elementary School
  • Veterans Park Academy for the Arts (elementary)
  • Edison Park Creative and Expressive Arts School (elementary)

The half-day sessions operate in a socially distant environment, where students and employees are expected to follow the same guidelines proposed for the fall. This includes temperature checks for students, face masks or coverings and social distancing.

My kid is starting kindergarten. What's the first day going to look like for my family?

Visitors are not going to be allowed on campus if it can be avoided, and that means no big milestone walks for parents and kindergarten students on the first day of school. 

But elementary school principals are developing a kindergarten orientation plan to help prepare students and families for the first day of school.

The youngest students, those in pre-K and kindergarten, will get to come onto the campus to drop off supplies, pick up important forms and acquaint parents and students with the very new experience of school. This will happen prior to the first day of school.

Each school's specific plan will be shared with parents prior to the s of school.

“This is a different time for them, it’s a really special moment,” said Shanna Flecha, the district’s executive director of school development. “We want to make sure we give them an opportunity to come in and take a tour of the school and learn how to get from parent drop-off or the buses to their classroom, although there will be adults spread out (to help them).”

What about open houses for back to school?

Schools will share what open houses will look like, but it will "look very different this year," says Academic Chief Jeff Spiro. 

"You might see Google Meet open houses, you might see virtual open houses," he said.

The same goes for meet-your-teacher opportunities. 

"It will be possible via technology," Spiro said.

Classroom teachers can take part in an optional training prior to the start of school on trauma-informed decision making because of all the changes that have gone on in the past few months, be it social justice issues or the ramifications of living through the COVID-19 pandemic.

"We are committed to focusing on the whole child," Spiro said, adding that more information about the kindergarten open houses and other school-based events are in the works.

Will I need school supplies?


Whether a student is enrolled in face-to-face, virtual or parent-led homeschool instruction, students are "still going to need your supplies to be successful," Spiro said during a Facebook Live event on July 15.

Supply lists will be announced by schools soon.

My child in in ESE, has an IEP or is an English language learner. What about them?

Services will remain in place for students with Individual Education Plans, but they will look different in terms of the switch to virtual.

"We will be working with our teachers and our families to adjust anything that may be needed to fit the needs of the individual student," said Theresa Bowen, the director of ESE. "We may not be able to talk about what a specific specialized classroom might look like without specifically talking with the family and the teacher about that individual student."

ESE students in general education would continue to receive the services outlined in their individual plan. 

The same can be said of English language learners, as support will continue to be provided across all the models.

Face masks: are they required and how will it be enforced?

Face masks, coverings or shields are now required of all students and employees while on school buses, school campuses and the main district office. This "strengthens" an earlier expectation so that masks will now need to be worn in classrooms, cafeterias and large spaces.

This is a recent change announced July 23 by Superintendent Greg Adkins based on advice from local medical experts, research on the effectiveness of masks in preventing the spread of COVID-19 and guidelines from the CDC. 

"I really felt it was in the best interest of our teachers, our staff members and also our students," Adkins said.

Exceptions will be allowed for students and employees, although it isn't clear what that process would look like at this time.

However, the focus is more open areas, like recess and P.E., will be on keeping social distance first and ensuring masks are worn if that distance cannot be kept.

Adkins said, "When we cannot socially distance, we would require masks."

Academic Chief Jeff Spiro said "none of this is meant to be punitive for our students" but is about reminding students about proper procedures and educating people about "how to keep everyone safe in the schoolhouse."

District staff said those with preexisting medical conditions would be considered for people choosing to come back to the schoolhouse, be they students or employees.

School nurses will be working directly with families to identify kids with medical conditions, like a respiratory disease, that prevent them from wearing masks. This will be so students can be accommodated on campus, said Beth Wipf, the district's coordinator of health services.

Masks will be provided to students and staff who don't have them, and employees will have the option of requesting face shields. The latter look similar to a motorcycle helmet and wrap around the head so a clear sheet of plastic provides protection for the eyes, nose and mouth.

How does this impact employees?

Much of how the plans impact staff and teachers is unknown for two reasons:

  1. The district doesn't know how students will fall into the four-model approach to reopening schools because parents have until July 30 to pick a model. Where the students learn (in-person, Lee Home Connect, Lee Virtual School or homeschool) will impact staffing needs across the board.
  2. Many issues require negotiations with the district's labor unions. This is expected to come up the week of July 27-31, said Angela Pruitt, the chief of human resources. 

Topics include hazard pay for those working at the schools, sick leave and pay, quarantine scenarios, and issues related to school employee duties, such as expectations to clean. 

More:Uncertainty for Lee County school employees as schools look at reopening

Likely, these concerns will drive the decision for employees about whether they want to come back to work in person or virtually. 

On July 15, teachers were sent a link to an anonymous survey to offer feedback on the reopening plan and how they feel about coming back to work and in what fashion. Other staff members will be sent a similar survey sometime next week.

More:Lee school district planning 'conservative,' agile budget ahead of back-to-school unknowns

Employees will then be asked closer to the return of school how they plan to return to work.

"We're currently on par with our hiring but we do understand that there will be potentially some folks that won't be coming back to work," said Angela Pruitt, chief of human resources.

Because part of the academic plan is to offer a virtual option that connects students to educators at their normal school, Pruitt hopes the district can "accommodate the needs of all our teachers and set up the various learning environments based on the staff that we currently have."

In terms of in-person campus life, the district plan says employees won't have their temperature checked at the door, but they will be required to answer health questions upon clocking in for work.

More:Lee County teachers are already Zooming in on new norm that is virtual learning

And:Details about Lee County school's drive-thru graduations shared with school board

What happens if a student or teacher gets sick during the school day? What about substitutes?

Click here to read a full article on this very subject.

Parents are asked to check their child's temperature prior to coming to school, but the students will be checked upon arrival and monitored for symptoms throughout the day. Staff are asked to answer health questions when they clock in for work.

In the case a student or employee develops a fever or other symptoms of COVID-19, they will be removed from where they are — like a classroom setting — and taken to an established isolation room to have their symptoms reviewed by a staff member.

More:How Lee County schools are planning to handle COVID-19-like symptoms on campus

If someone has developed a fever of 100.4 or higher, they will need to go home. The student would remain at the school until a parent or guardian is reached and can pick them up.

Employees and families of the sick student would be directed to seek medical attention, and the situation would be reported to the local Department of Health to start contact tracing. Custodial staff would be sent immediately to the area to conduct a thorough, deep clean.

Should there be a presumptive or positive case of COVID-19 linked back to a classroom setting, people in close contact would be informed by the Department of Health. That is when discussion of quarantine would come up, including notifying other people who may be impacted.

If a student needs to quarantine or be out of school for an extended period of time at the advice of a medical provider, the school will work with the family to keep them on track academically.

If an employee gets sick, there are different options they could tap into for financial coverage.

Depending on their situation, this includes the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, the Family and Medical Leave Act as well as dipping into their allotted sick and vacation time.

The big question human resources has been asked is what coverage will there be should a person need to quarantine because of potential exposure to the virus, especially once schools re-open in the fall and contact tracing takes place.

In an ideal world, HR chief Angela Pruitt said the hope would be for non-symptomatic classroom teachers to continue to work virtually.

As of July 24, the guidance from legal experts shows that workers compensation likely won't kick in, Pruitt said. 

"…There is a very high burden on the employee to basically prove they would contract it at the work location," Pruitt said. "In other words, that they didn’t go to the store, they didn’t go out anywhere. Right now workers' compensation is probably not going to be a factor in all of this and how the fiances will be handled, but again, that's today's guidance."

However, an absence — in-person or virtually — would have to be covered, likely from the district's pool of substitute, or guest, teachers.

Currently, the district is reaching out to the pool of people to see who is willing to keep working, and staff are developing additional training for them on new safety protocols. A large percentage of substitutes are in high-risk age groups.

If a classroom or school needs to close due to COVID-19-related issues, the instruction can shift to the Lee Home Connect model. 

What is the cost of all the safety precautions?

A big hits to next year's school budget is the cost of buying cleaning supplies and providing personal protective equipment to students, employees and schools as a result of COVID-19 precuations.

Ami Desamours, the chief finance officer, said it could cost at least $15 million to provide items like masks, face shields, hand sanitizer, additional soap, disposable cups for the water fountains and gowns. 

Employees will have access to face mask and clear, plastic shields if they request them, and disposable masks will be given to students who don't own them.

This doesn't include a suggestion made in the re-opening plan, to put up plastic shields to front offices and reception offices. 

Should a positive case of COVID-19 be identified on campus, the school will use a quick response team that has been trained and suited up for the job with PPE to clean the site. In the toolkit will be an aerosol bio-fog that kills the virus, coats surfaces and attacks the virus in air particles. 

Each use, though, runs between a few hundred dollars for a classroom to as high as $5,000 and $6,000 for a full school campus.

The superintendent said he still wants to move forward conservatively with spending because of the lasting impacts COVID-19 has had on the economy and, ultimately, funding for schools.

"We anticipate that this is not just going to be a 'this-year' event in terms of budget, but will probably need to be spread out over two or three years as we slowly recover from the impact of this virus on our economy," Superintendent Greg Adkins said. 

More:Lee school district planning 'conservative,' agile budget ahead of back-to-school unknowns