Florida ethics commission finds probable cause in complaint against Fort Myers police chief’s credit card use

Melissa Montoya
Fort Myers News-Press

Fort Myers Police Chief Derrick Diggs' city-issued credit card use has been found questionable by the Florida Commission on Ethics, the agency announced on Wednesday. 

Probable cause was found to believe "Diggs misused his position or official resources by using his City purchasing card to purchase meals, boots, and satellite radio for himself or others, contrary to purchasing card policy," according to a news release. 

The complaint, filed by Fort Myers activist Anthony Thomas in September 2019, alleges that Diggs misused his credit card by spending thousands of dollars at local restaurants. 

Fort Myers Police Chief Derrick Diggs.

All of the credit card expenditures were appropriate and within the city's policy, said Officer Kristin Capuzzi, spokeswoman for the police department. 

"Each receipt was forwarded to Finance and authorized," Capuzzi said. "Chief Diggs will be transparent and fully cooperate with the review. The department is confident the facts will clear up any confusion around the credit card purchases."

Thomas said he is not surprised with the ethics commission finding. 

"I will continue to stand up for the rule of law and make sure the taxpayer money is being spent wisely even if those we have elected will not do so," said Thomas, who is running against Councilman Johnny Streets for the Ward 2 seat. "I think he needs to pay back all of the money and he needs to be dismissed."

Now that probable cause has been determined, Kerrie Stillman, the deputy executive director for the Florida Commission on Ethics said, a public evidentiary hearing could be held or Diggs could resolve the complaint through a settlement. It would have to be approved by the commission, she said. 

More:Fort Myers city council member questions use of city-issued credit cards for employees

When a complaint is filed, the executive director of the commission determines whether the allegations would violate any law over which the commission has jurisdiction, according to the commission's website. 

If so, the complaint is assigned to a staff investigator for a preliminary investigation. After the preliminary investigation the investigative report is forwarded to the commission advocate, who makes a recommendation to the ethics commission about whether the law was broken. 

In this case, the advocate recommended there was no probable cause to believe Diggs had violated Florida statute when using his city-issued purchasing card. But the commission disagreed. 

According to the investigative report, the investigation focused on three uses of the card: dinners, boots and a subscription to Sirius XM radio. 

In total, from September 2016 to June 2019, close to $10,000 was spent on meals — one in New York City and more than $3,000 at The Veranda in Fort Myers.

Diggs told the investigator that the lunches and dinners were arranged to discuss city business.

Fort Myers City Manager Saeed Kazemi also told the investigator that he was present for some of the meals and that it was OK to use the city-issued credit card for these meals with representatives from the state attorney's office and the FBI. 

"(Kazemi) advised most of the attendees are only available during lunch and as such, if the meeting did not occur then, it would have been months before the meeting could occur because of schedules," the report states. 

Other transactions in question are $155 for a pair of boots, which Diggs said were part of his uniform, and $364 for Sirius satellite radio. 

Diggs told the investigator that as chief "he travels throughout the state and must stay informed and aware of any events that are occurring in Fort Myers. He contends that Sirius provides various sources of information from national news, local news, weather, and traffic which are beneficial in performing his job and thus necessary for him to properly perform his job," the report states.

More:Ethics commission probes use of credit cards by Fort Myers Police Chief Diggs

Kazemi told investigators he did not approve this purchase but that it did not bother him. 

He said the chief "has achieved success in reducing crime and he is 'okay' with the purchase as long as it's for City business," the report states.

Thomas first raised the issue of the chief's use of his purchasing card with the Fort Myers city council. The council's vote to examine the use of purchasing cards by employees ultimately failed, but Kazemi said the city's policy needed to be updated. 

The ethics commission meets every six to eight weeks, Stillman said. 

"It's in the hands of the advocate and Mr. Diggs in terms of whether he wants to fight it in an administrative hearing or whether he wants to reach a settlement agreement," she said.