Warmer months mean many of Florida's majestic animals are on the move, preparing for summer

Chad Gillis
Fort Myers News-Press

Although South Florida's climate is subtropical, many animals here still become dormant during the cooler winter months, or they may leave the region altogether. 

Some, like the black bear, eat less and are more lethargic, while others, like manatees, migrate to inland waters to stay warm. 

But spring is here, and critters ranging from bears to alligators and from bats to shorebirds are active and about. Swallow-tailed kites are flying overhead, manatees are on the move and sea turtles are breeding and feeding offshore. It's a great time of year to see wildlife, whether you are at the beach or in the heart of Big Cypress National Preserve.

For some animals, this time of year is the start of the breeding season. It's also the time of year when alligators are searching for, and fighting over shrinking pools of freshwater. 

In the spirit of the season, we compiled this list of critters that are active during the warmer spring leading up to the summer rainy season. 

Alligators are active 

Florida's famous dinosaur-era reptile, the American alligator, is quite lethargic during the cooler winter months. 

They spend most of the day laying on the banks of rivers and lakes on sunny days between December and March. 

But, as the water warms, alligators become more active. 

It's alligator mating season in Florida:So expect more neighborhood gator sightings

Did you know?:What's the difference between an alligator and a crocodile?

"Signs of spring — balmy weather, blooming flowers and nesting birds — are occurring throughout Florida," said Tammy Sapp, with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, the state agency charged with protecting wildlife. "Warmer temperatures also mean alligators are more active and visible." 

An alligator hangs out in the waters at Bird Rookery Swamp in Collier County on Thursday, March 31, 2022. Alligators become more active in the spring as temperatures warm.

FWC recommends that residents and visitors keep a safe distance from alligators. Never feed one as it causes the animal to associate humans with food, which can create a deadly situation. 

Also, keep pets on a leash and keep them away from freshwater shorelines, and don't let them swim in lakes, rivers or areas known to have alligators. 

Bats are back at it

Though they have the face of a devilish ghoul and pointy teeth to match, bats are very docile towards humans. 

All 13 species of bats found in Florida are protected by law, and it's illegal to harm or purposely kill bats here. 

Many species have adapted to human structures and will use homes and buildings to roost and nest. 

"While bats in more northern states may hibernate or migrate farther south during the winter, bats in Florida can be active year-round, depending on location within the state and temperatures," said FWC spokeswoman Lisa Thompson. "When temperatures dip below 50 degrees, bats are more likely to stay put in roosting sites until the weather warms."

Florida bonneted bats are the most endangered bats in the United States, and they're one of 13 protected species found in Florida. Bats become more active in the spring months.

Thompson said warmer weather causes increased bat activity. 

"Insects are also more active in warmer temperatures," Thompson said. "Bats are also nocturnal, so are most active at night and often easily seen at dusk while foraging for insects." 

Bat maternity season in Florida starts in mid-April and last through mid-August, when the young are born. 

Black bears on the move 

Florida black bears don't hibernate over the winter, but they do go into a dormant state. 

The thought is their bodies have adjusted to the time of year when food is abundant. So they're more active in spring and summer, when there is more food on the landscape. 

But like alligators, never feed a bear or leave food out if you live in an area known to have bears. 

A juvenile black bear spent the morning, Tuesday, May 25, 2020 roaming through Fort Myers. Black bears are one of many animals in Florida that become more active during the spring.

“Bears will take advantage of easy meals, such as unsecured garbage, pet food or bird seed,” said FWC’s bear management program coordinator, David Telesco. “If bears don’t find a food source in the neighborhood, they’ll move on.”

Full-grown male adult black bears can weigh up to 450 pounds, with females topping out around 250 pounds. But their size, and their shuffling gait doesn’t mean the creatures are slow. These bears can reach speeds of 35 mph.

Manatees on the move

Manatees are warm-water mammals that spend winter in small creeks and rivers, trying to stay warm as cold fronts move across the state and cause water temperatures to fall. 

When the waters warm to above 70 degrees or so, manatees come out of winter hiding and head back to the coast to feed and breed. 

Watch:Manatees find warmth at Manatee Park in Lee County

"In spring, as air and water temperatures rise, manatees naturally disperse from their winter refuges of warm-water sites to other areas of the state and beyond," Thompson said. "At this time, manatees can be found in open water while on their way to coastal and freshwater habitats where other food sources are available."

Because of the cooler temps in Florida, a large aggregation of Manatees could be found at Manatee Park in Fort Myers. Most of those manatees are now moving toward coastal bays and beach areas for the rest of spring and summer.

Lee County is often one of the top counties in the state when it comes to manatee boat kills. 

FWC recommends boaters wear polarized sunglasses, look for manatee snouts sticking up above the water’s surface, look for manatee “footprints” — large circles of water that indicate a manatee below the surface, and follow posted manatee boat speed zones. 

Shorebirds back on the beaches

These cute little birds range in size from a ping-pong ball to the size of an adult shoe, and they're just now arriving in our region. 

"In Southwest Florida, we start preparing for their nesting in April for Wilson's plovers and snowy plovers," said Rochelle Streker, with Audubon Florida. "Least terns have been spotted in Lee and Collier this week in nesting locations, and will start nesting in May. Black skimmers will also start nesting in May." 

A wilson's plover feeds on small crustaceans on the south end of Fort Myers Beach on Thursday, May 28, 2020. It is breeding season for the plovers along with snowy plovers, least terns and other shorebirds. Visitors to the area are asked to keep a lookout for eggs and small birds that inhabit the beach. Some of the area is staked to keep people from walking on nesting birds.

The south end of Fort Myers Beach and Marco Island are two of the larger breeding areas for these birds. 

A group of shorebirds has been using the north tip of Bonita Beach in recent years, and their breeding areas are typically roped off to let the public know to stay away from the birds, nests and chicks. 

More Florida birds:Aerial acrobatics on display as majestic swallow-tailed kites return to Southwest Florida

"All of the birds will let you know very clearly when you approach a nesting area," Streker said. "Plovers will do broken-wing displays and call at you, leading you away from chicks and nests."

Signs are often posted along with the rope to inform the beachgoers. 

"They will dive bomb and defecate on you when you get too close," Streker said. "So it's important to give the colony space. If you are being dive bombed, again, back up towards the shoreline." 

Connect with this reporter: @ChadEugene on Twitter.