Guest opinion: St. Matthew's House ... hope starts here

Steve Brooder
Special to the Naples Daily News
St. Matthews House's LuLu’s Kitchen is home to an open-to-the-public restaurant and Delicious by Design catering.

For 34 years, St. Matthew’s House, a 501 (c)(3) not-for-profit organization, has provided comfort, shelter, resources and guidance that truly touch the hearts and transform the lives of those struggling with homelessness, food insecurity and addiction. What began in Naples in 1988 as a modest soup kitchen, has grown into a comprehensive continuum of care designed to empower struggling individuals to achieve a life of self-sufficiency.

St. Matthew’s House provides faith-based innovative solutions to help individuals and families overcome some of life’s most difficult challenges — poverty and addiction. Whether providing shelter and comfort to a homeless elderly woman or out-of-work mom and her children; the opportunity for recovery to a young athlete addicted to opioids after a serious sports injury; or food to a low-income family that has nowhere else to turn for its next meal...hope truly does start here.

Since its founding, St. Matthew’s House has never missed a day of feeding the hungry. Today, we operate Justin’s Place community meals, food pantries, homeless shelters, transitional and permanent supportive housing facilities, and Justin’s Place recovery program. Our continuum of care includes employment training and other educational initiatives that are aimed at providing a hand up rather than a hand out to those we serve.

St. Matthew’s House operates the only emergency homeless shelters in Collier County. The people we serve are often the first and hardest hit in times of economic crisis and the last to recover. The needs for our services have increased exponentially through the COVID-19 pandemic, and we project that these needs will continue for some time to come.

Steve Brooder

In 2021 alone, St. Matthew’s House served 213,373 families experiencing food insecurity. Our shelter facilities served 677 individuals experiencing homelessness, including 79 children and 23 senior citizens. In addition to providing the basic necessities of food, clothing, shelter and transportation for the duration of their stay, St. Matthew’s House provides wraparound services to help those we serve transition from homelessness to stability and self-sufficiency. Also in 2021, Justin’s Place Recovery Program served 278 men and women with substance abuse disorders. 

Our programs are designed to promote holistic rehabilitation rather than simply providing short-term relief or temporary housing. All residents complete a comprehensive intake assessment to identify underlying factors and vulnerabilities. They then work with case managers to establish clearly defined, reasonable, and attainable goals for physical, mental, emotional, relational and financial health. Our residents benefit from access to medical and mental health care, substance abuse prevention, legal assistance, educational opportunities, spiritual development, and life-skills learning opportunities.

Sadly, there is always a waiting list for shelter accommodations. Currently, St. Matthew’s House has made application to the County to accommodate an additional 46 beds so that we can help even more individuals and families escape the hardships and dangers of homelessness.

St. Matthew’s House does not rely on government funding. Our ability to pursue our mission depends on the generosity of our donors and the support of the Southwest Florida community. St. Matthew’s House also has developed a unique social enterprise model of retail and commercial operations that generates income to cover administrative expenses so that 100 percent of every donation goes directly to our life-changing programs. Social enterprises include thrift stores in Naples, Immokalee, Bonita Springs and Fort Myers, LuLu’s Kitchen, home to our open-to-the-public restaurant and Delicious by Design catering, and a car wash and detailing center. We invite the public to support St. Matthew’s House by patronizing these social enterprises, and by donating canned goods and other food staples for our food pantry as well as gently used furnishings, clothing and other items for our thrift stores.

The public also can support St. Matthew’s House by participating in two major fund-raising events: The Naples Automotive Experience, presented by the Naples Chapter of the Ferrari Club of America to benefit St. Matthew’s House, February 3-6, and the Dean Lind Memorial Golf Classic — one of the premier and longest-running charity golf events in Southwest Florida on April 11.

To learn more about St. Matthew’s House programs and events and how you can help our neighbors in need visit www.stmatthewshouse.org.

Steve Brooder is the CEO of St. Matthew's House.