Letters to the Editor, Dec. 29

Marco Eagle
Editorial cartoon

Democratic Party the real threat

Yes, there is a threat to democracy. Pundits and media speak of the threat of DJT to democracy. Somehow his actions on Jan. 6 placed the country at the edge of an abyss. If not for the courage of Congress, we would have fallen under autocratic rule. Really? As deplorable as his actions were, no clear thinking individual can believe that was at hand.

But, a threat does exist. There are instances in which the FBI conspired to forward the idea of Russian collusion in the 2016 election. FBI officials made statements of their commitment to DJT’s defeat. That was followed by the intelligence community and media banding together to discredit the laptop containing criminal wrongdoing.

Now, we have the Colorado Supreme Court stating that DJT is disqualified. Do they not teach history or civics in Colorado? Ten years after the 14th Amendment was adopted over 50 former members of the Confederacy served in the Congress, Now that was an insurrection. There are people that want to open our borders to future voters, to use the FBI, IRS, CIA and judiciary to oppress their opposition. The same party that elected true insurrectionists to Congress went on to create Jim Crow. If there is a threat to democracy it is being perpetrated by the Democratic Party.

Martin Wilhelm, Marco Island

Biden shouldn’t run again

Fellow Democrats, I like Joe Biden. I support the platform he won with. He should not run again.

Biden’s grades are not great. Inflation: C/C+; Yellen was way off the mark in ’21, and we’re still recovering.

Afghanistan: D-; he tried to get us out of there as veep, but he’s holding the bag.

Ukraine: B/B-; they should have gotten the jets and everything they needed 15 months ago; tragically trending down. Biden doesn’t even have the chops to humiliate Mr. Self-Appointed “Moses,” Mike Johnson.

Relations with Israel: C, Netanyahu is a disaster. Joe should get that aggressive nationalist out of there.

Climate change: B, many elements of the general public remain unconvinced and endanger all of us.

Unity of the Democratic Party: C+, Enthusiasm gap.

A traitor who wants to overthrow the United States remains at large. He quotes Hitler and cites Putin as an authority on democracy. His advisors describe rounding up millions of poor people and “crushing” opponents with glee. Biden’s personal response, effectively crickets.

“Who else could beat Trump?!” With Joe not running, great candidates will emerge quickly. Governor Whitmer, Senator Klobuchar, Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, Beto O’Rourke, Gov. Gavin Newsom, Tim Ryan etc. can all free us from the cobwebs of complacency created by Biden’s incumbency and Trump’s supposed “unelectability.”

The Religious Right is ready to rule. We cannot let that happen.

Trump said he only wants to be dictator on Day One. There will be no Day Two.

Michael Sales, Ed.D., Naples

Colorado court decision

Republicans are apoplectic about the decision of the Colorado Supreme Court disqualifying former President Trump from the ballot due to the “insurrection” clause of the 14th Amendment. The GOP view is reflected in remarks of the expresident’s primary rivals like Nikki Haley and Chris Christie lamenting that the outcome of presidential elections should be “decided by voters,” not judges.

Okay, but where were they in 2020 when five Republican-appointed justices of the Supreme Court in the Bush v Gore case stopped the ballot counting here in Florida and handed the election to George W. Bush.

Why weren’t they advocating then that the election should be “decided” by votes cast by Floridians rather than jurists in the nation’s capital. They weren’t because it depends, as the saying goes, on whose ox is being Gored.

Marshall H. Tanick, Naples

Malignant cultural tumor

America’s radical left is guided by Marxist intellectuals enshrined in America’s universities and many high schools.

These teachers of destruction emulate Lenin’s use of education to build a wall of separation between parents and their children, one so effective as to allow a reshaping of America’s young minds.

By converting American schools into progressive socialist-Marxist re-education camps, the radical left anticipates that it will be able to trigger a cultural transformation within the next generation. The curriculum would no longer include Western civilization, civic education and other courses essential to one’s linkage with American institutions and values. If this malignant cultural tumor is allowed to metastasize, it will eliminate individual liberty as exists in the 21st Century.

Beginning in the mid-1960’s, the left made a concerted effort to take over our colleges and universities and as they’ve taken control they’ve trampled free speech, virtually banished conservative professors and turned our schools into little more than huge megaphones for anti-American rhetoric coast to coast.

The people who work in today’s mainstream media merely mirror what they’ve been taught at these leftist universities. Objectivity and fairness have been totally disregarded in their reporting. The mainstream media has become the propaganda machine for the Democrat Party and nothing more. There is a strong parallel between the political news reporting in Russia and the United States. One-sided bias rules the day.

Leon Savickas, Naples

MoreLetters to the Editor, Dec. 22

AndGuest commentary: Responding to the parking issue

AlsoLetters to the Editor, Dec. 12