Martha McSally: The COVID-19 pandemic is misery, but we'll come out stronger in the end

COVID-19 is testing all of us in ways that, only a few months ago, we could not have imagined. When we persevere, the challenge will make us stronger.

Martha McSally
Opinion contributor

In 2009, while I was stationed in Europe with the Air Force, I decided to climb Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa with six friends. It is a beautiful and powerful mountain. Climbers start their trek wearing shorts in a rainforest and finish at the more than 19,340 foot summit, wrapped in multiple layers for a frigid push to the glacier on the top.

As many as 73% of hikers on certain routes never make it. I found myself, alternatively, freezing cold and nauseous from altitude sickness. It was miserable, and I wondered why I had spent my vacation days and my hard-earned money on this trek. But there was one person in our group who was even more miserable than me: the 12-year-old son of one of my friends. He was an elite athlete, which gave him a good chance to succeed at such a young age, but he hated this climb.

The misery database

It hit me on that mountain that those of us in our 40s, 50s, and beyond have an unexpected advantage. We have an entire misery database that we can tap. Every time each of us pushes through a moment of misery or pain, we deposit a new resource in our “misery database.” Like an athlete who trains his or her muscles to create muscle memory to perform better, we build a unique perseverance memory to help us overcome future obstacles and challenges. In tough times, tapping into our misery database and these memories can help give each of us the courage to know that we can prevail.

On that mountain, I was thinking of all the challenges I had faced during Air Force basic training, survival training, flight school, and combat, which I had pushed through. I was thinking about the grueling marathons and IRONMAN Triathlons that I had run. I was thinking about the deep pain that I had endured after the deaths of my father and several close friends. I was reminding myself that if I could persevere through those struggles, I could make it up an actual mountain.

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I told our young climber that although he was fitter than we were, he was at a disadvantage because as a smart, athletic, and talented 12-year-old, his misery database was nearly empty. He had few if any hard experiences to encourage him and tell him that he could endure this high-altitude trek. But right now, on Mount Kilimanjaro, he was depositing a huge life experience in his misery database. For the rest of his life, he would be able to look back and say, “I climbed the highest mountain in Africa when I was 12, so I can do this!”

Becoming stronger amid COVID-19

Today, whether we want to or not, we are all being forced to make a lot more deposits in our misery databases. The COVID-19 crisis is testing all of us in ways that only a few months ago, we could not have imagined. We have been kept apart from friends and family. Many of us have faced devastating economic challenges and job loss on a scale not seen since the Great Depression. In outbreak areas, healthcare workers and others in frontline industries have literally risked their lives to do their jobs and to serve others. We have all needed to be strong and resilient in the face of so many unknowns.

Martha McSally on top of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania in 2009.

But in the midst of these horrific calamities, I hope that some good will come from this experience: that it will make us stronger as individuals, communities, and as a nation.

When we survive challenging times, persevere through tragedy, dig down deep to meet a difficult goal, and push through pain and adversity, it gives us a memory to strengthen us for future challenges. Viewed through this lens, rather than something to defeat us, adversity and difficulties can have positive potential for how we live our lives. I have a pretty full misery database, and I know many other people of character and rich experience who have far bigger misery databases than mine.         

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There are many things we can do with these misery databases, but the one of the most important things is to use them for good. Those of us who have endured difficulties can encourage and support others, particularly younger people, who are experiencing sudden hardship for the first time. Indeed, I see many people doing just that.

This pandemic has also brought an outpouring of compassion. Neighbors shopping for vulnerable neighbors, volunteers stocking food banks, donors lining up to give blood, people giving of themselves to help others in need.

That November in Africa, we all summited Mount Kilimanjaro, including the 12-year-old who doggedly put one foot in front of the other to reach the top despite his suffering. Several years later, his family proudly sent me a link to his state championship track race. As I watched the last lap, I saw one runner break away from the pack to win. It was my climbing buddy. Tears of pride streamed down my face as I said: “He’s tapping his misery database from Kilimanjaro!”

Today, we are all in this climb together, putting one foot in front of the other. Together, we can make it to the top and become stronger, ready to achieve amazing feats when we reach the other side.

Sen. Martha McSally, a Republican, is from Arizona and a retired Air Force colonel. She is the author of Dare to Fly: Simple Lessons in Never Giving Up.