'Athlete A' tells part of the Larry Nassar investigation. This is the story you didn't see

Tim Evans
Indianapolis Star

In March 2016, I was recovering from a serious heart attack.

My mother, for whom I’d been the primary caregiver for more than two years, had just died. And after nearly a decade on the investigations team, I was transitioning into a new role as IndyStar's consumer watchdog.

I felt oddly adrift — personally and professionally. It didn’t help when I saw my former investigative team colleagues, Marisa Kwiatkowski and Mark Alesia, huddled with IndyStar’s top editors behind the glass wall of a conference room.

I didn’t know what they were talking about, but I knew Marisa had just flown to Georgia chasing a hot tip. I was used to being in those meetings. Now I was literally on the outside looking in. To be honest, I was a little jealous.


Jumping into the Larry Nassar story

All that changed a few days later when investigations editor Steve Berta asked if I’d be willing to help with what had the potential to be a big story. I couldn’t say yes fast enough. And he was right. It turned out to be huge — exposing officials at USA Gymnastics and their team doctor, Larry Nassar, in what unfolded into the largest sexual abuse scandal in the world of sports.

It is by far THE story of my 40-year newspaper career. We exposed a dangerous predator and broken sports system, won a number of awards and our team is still in demand for speaking engagements (we've been all over the U.S., as well as Europe, India and South America). And now there's a documentary about the case. The work helped reinforce the importance of real journalism in an era when hard truths are too often dismissed as "fake news" and, more importantly to me personally, it revived my focus and commitment to the career I love. 

Netflix movie 'Athlete A' debuts

But back in 2016, none of us had any idea how far our investigation into sexual abuse inside the Indianapolis-based Olympic organization would take us over the next four years. The new documentary, “Athlete A,” which debuts today on Netflix, chronicles some of that amazing journey. But not all of it.


This is my story about the story behind what you see in the documentary.

Before I get to the background stuff, though, I want to remind you what the prosecutor said at Nassar’s sentencing and make a plea for your help and support.

Her words are a reminder of the inestimable power and value of investigative journalism: “What finally started this reckoning and ended this decades-long cycle of abuse was investigative reporting. Without that first Indianapolis Star story in August 2016; without the story where Rachael (Denhollander) came forward publicly shortly thereafter — he would still be practicing medicine, treating athletes and abusing kids. Let that sink in for a minute.”

The editors at IndyStar and the USA Today Network made an open-ended commitment to chasing the story. As you can imagine a two-year investigation with three reporters and an editor, including travel to 12 states, is an expensive endeavor. And, with the recent fall-off in advertising revenue, such efforts increasingly rely on support from readers like you. So this might be a good time to consider supporting important and insightful reporting.

Sex abuse in USA Gymnastics

To start my story I'm going to share a secret. Larry Nassar wasn’t even on our radar when we began the investigation back in March 2016. In fact, the whole project — like a lot of great journalism — grew out of two local stories Marisa was investigating. They were cases about sexual abuse by school officials and the disappointing reality that administrators failed to immediately report that abuse as Indiana law requires. Failure to report was a common theme Marisa and I had encountered in our years of reporting on child sex abuse and she was trying to drill down on the “why” when she got a tip.

Indianapolis attorney Jessica Wegg told Marisa she should talk to another local attorney, Jon Little, who had represented survivors of sexual abuse in Olympic sports. Marisa followed up and Little suggested she look into how USA Gymnastics handled allegations of sexual abuse. He said she could learn plenty from court records in a Georgia lawsuit. He also connected her with Brian Cornwell, the Georgia attorney representing a survivor of sexual abuse by a former coach.

The IndyStar USA Gymnastics coverage team (from left, editor Steve Berta, reporters Mark Alesia, Marisa Kwiatkowski, Tim Evans, and visual journalist Robert Scheer) is featured in documentary film "Athlete A."

Both Little and Cornwell urged Marisa to move quickly, though, because records in that case might soon be sealed. After learning the only way to access the documents was in person, the editors told her to fly to Georgia immediately. She left that night. Marisa was waiting at the courthouse when it opened the next morning and asked for copies of all the documents in the file. She was given hundreds of pages of records. After rifling through the trove while sitting in her rental car, she called Cornwell to make sure she had everything.

When the attorney asked about several key documents Marisa didn’t have, she checked back with the court. It was a smart decision: There were hundreds more pages in the judge’s chamber — and some of them were the documents we needed. After securing copies, she flew back to Indianapolis and shared what she had found with the editors.


Former gymnasts played key role in the story

Little and Cornwell aren’t part of the documentary. Neither are several former gymnasts — including Becca Seaborn, Kaylin Brietzke, Courtney Kiehl and Molly Shawen-Kollmann — who shared their troubling stories about abusive coaches and the culture inside USA Gymnastics. But they were critical in helping us get the project off the ground and deserve much more than this shout out.

Video:Out of Balance: How USA Gymnastics protected coaches over athletes

Sex abuse in gymnastics was nothing new when we stated our investigation. It had been written about before. But most of the reporting had focused on individual incidents or coaches. We wanted to find out if there was a cultural issue within the sport. And we soon discovered that it wasn’t rogue bad actors, but a systemic failure driven — in at least some cases — by the priority USA Gymnastics placed on winning gold medals, attracting sponsorship dollars and avoiding bad publicity.

Courtney Kiehl poses for a portrait inside the Lewis Katz Building on June 8, 2016. At a young age Kiehl was sexually abused by her gymnastics coach. Her coach was arrested in 2004 and convicted in 2005, serving three years in jail. As a result of the abuse, Kiehl and another victim co-founder the Abused Children Heard Everywhere Foundation (ACHE) to help other victims of abuse share their stories. "I really needed something good to come out of this," she said. Out of Balance Project

When we started asking questions, gymnastics officials accused us of conducting a "witch hunt," of having "bad motives" and berated IndyStar for planning what they called a National Enquirer-like expose to attract readers.

At the time, we had no idea USA Gymnastics was desperately trying to hide a ticking time bomb in the run-up to the 2016 Summer Olympics. With the benefit of hindsight, the organization’s combative responses make a lot more sense. They likely feared we had heard the devastating allegations top officials had received nearly a year earlier that Nassar was molesting some of the sport’s biggest stars.

If only. 

Becca Seaborn, with her parents Jill and Ross Robinson, in the family room of the parents' Brentwood, Tenn. home, Wednesday, June 29, 2016. Becca was a victim of gymnastics teacher Mark Schiefelbein, who is serving prison time for molestation. Out of Balance Project

USA Gymnastics, Steve Penny didn't report abuse allegations

What we were digging into still was critical even if it wasn’t Nassar. We discovered a troubling executive policy at USA Gymnastics in excerpts of depositions of the organization's top leaders in the Georgia lawsuit. Those officials, including then-CEO Steve Penny, basically admitted they didn’t report all allegations of abuse to police or child welfare authorities. And they would only act on claims submitted in writing and signed by the athlete, guardian or a witness. To us, as well as several child advocates, that appeared to violate the spirit, if not the letter, of reporting laws across the U.S.

Former USA Gymnastics president Steve Penny didn't answer questions on June 5 during a Senate Subcommittee hearing on "Preventing Abuse in Olympic and Amateur Athletics: Ensuring a Safe and Secure Environment for Our Athletes." (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

But in the insular, top-down world of gymnastics, where powerful coaches and their friends can make or break an athlete’s dreams, getting someone — even an abuse victim or parent — to lodge a complaint or speak up was a high bar. And that was especially true at the sport’s elite levels, where the window to the Olympics is small and the team selection process is subjective.

As troubling as the USA Gymnastics policy sounded, we needed more to really move the needle. We looked for evidence of a pattern of harm. Did the policy allow coaches to escape allegations, continue working in the sport, and then go on to molest other gymnasts?

Investigation publishes just before 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio

That took good, old-fashion reporting. Weeks and weeks of compiling news stories, police and court records, and the backgrounds of coaches who were quietly banned by USA Gymnastics. Marisa, Mark and I divided up a list of more than 100 coaches we suspected to be serial molesters and looked for evidence that USA Gymnastics had failed to act on warnings about them. After about a month we found four indisputable examples. One was Marvin Sharp of Indianapolis, who had coached two Olympians before committing suicide in Marion County Jail in 2015 after being accused of sexual abusing a young gymnast. USA Gymnastics had been warned about Sharp four years earlier but hadn't taken any action.

We started pulling together a story in early June, but knew that the court files in Georgia contained complaint files on 54 coaches. Those records had been sealed from public view by the judge and we wondered what else they might reveal. So our attorneys continued to fight for access to the records.

We won the court case, but still didn’t get the files because USA Gymnastics appealed the decision to the Georgia Supreme Court. (We later won the Supreme Court case, too.)

By late July, we decided we had enough evidence to publish our first article about the executive policy. In a coordinated effort with the USA Today Network, versions of our story ran on Aug. 4, 2016, in 31 newspapers across the U.S. As you can imagine, it caused a giant splash just days before the Summer Olympics opened in Rio.

Rachael Denhollander, right, embraces Kaylee Lorincz, another survivor of sexual abuse by former USA Gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar, after Denhollander delivered her impact statement Jan. 24, 2018, in Lansing, Michigan.

Rachel Denhollander names Larry Nassar

The immediate social media buzz caught the attention of a young mother in Louisville, who was looking at her Facebook page with an infant in a carrier strapped to her chest. She quickly read our article and reached out to us by email at 10:32 a.m. that morning:

To whom it may concern,

“I recently read the article titled ‘Out of Balance’ published by the Indy Star. My experience may not be relevant to your investigation, but I am emailing to report an incident that may be.

“I was not molested by my coach, but I was molested by Dr. Larry Nassar, the team doctor for USAG. I was fifteen years old, and it was under the guise of medical treatment for my back …

Rachael Denhollander poses at her home in Louisville, Ky., on Aug. 23, 2016. The police report she filed in Michigan, alleging that she was sexually abused by Dr. Larry Nassar, helped lead to his conviction.

“I am writing now because this article has made me wonder if it is possible that reports were made about Nassar as well as coaches. Given his status, if these coaches were protected, he absolutely would have been as well.

“I’m not sure that would fit within the scope of your reporting, but if it does, I am now willing to communicate regarding the abuse ... I have seen little hope that any light would be shed by coming forward, so I have remained quiet. If there is a possibility that is changing, I will come forward as publicly as necessary.

“Sincerely, Rachael Denhollander

That email was soon followed by calls from another former gymnast in New York and a California attorney representing an Olympic medalist. They both shared similar accounts of abuse by Nassar. That's when the direction of our investigation shifted to USA Gymnastics' longtime team doctor.

Filmmakers Jon Shenk and Bonni Cohen do a great job in “Athlete A” of picking up the story from there, rounding it out with a dive into the history of big-time gymnastics and the struggles and successes of gymnast Maggie Nichols, who became Athlete A when she reported Nassar to USA Gymnastic a year before we started digging into the story.

My only gripe with the documentary is the old, fat guy they got to portray me.

Follow Tim Evans on Twitter: @starwatchtim.